Originally Posted By: Turkey_neck
I wouldn't mind a 3 doe 3 buck limit per person. If you have a property that needs the does thinned more than allowed. Have a biologist come out and give them the needed doe tags.

I'm good with 2 bucks and 3 does. But I don't get to shoot as often as some of y'all. I'd probably be good with one buck. I think it's why Kentucky has what it has. I think state may have to lower season limit on turkey at Skyline. I never heard a gobble last year in my faithful area where I've worked birds for years. Did get on birds in a different area of wma but was shocked at lack of gobbles in usual area.

“Killing tomorrow’s trophies today.”

On the distance I like to walk to my stands:
“The first 100 yards is also the last 100 yards.”