Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
I've seen a very slight, and I mean barely noticeable difference in averages per age class on some properties with habitat improvements and keeping deer below CC. Most of these properties were not much over CC to begin with.

I have seen the opposite occur though. I've watched properties go from producing 200 lb bucks with impressive headgear and 130-140 lb does to 150 lb bucks and 80 lb does within a matter of years, all because deer exceeded what the area was capable of supporting. Deer numbers don't seem to explode in suitable habitats now like they did in the late 80s and 90s when deer were occupying areas they hadn't for years, with very few predators. Now that coyotes are in the equation they can impact a herd's ability to grow exponentially like deer used to do. I don't think overpopulation is a problem in most places. Heck I know it's not. Liberal doe harvest is still needed on certain properties though. For folks to say it is not, is just as ignorant as the folks who have the mentality to kill every doe they see. Lack of education is the root of all the problems. Folks take one sentence from a QDMA article about doe harvest and justify it to kill everything. They're wrong. Also wrong, are the ones who think doe harvests should be stopped everywhere for everybody.

I agree Matt but there are ways the State can manage the deer for the best of everyone.....i.e. setting doe harvest limits by districts (not for the whole State) and providing extra permits for properties that truly need to take more does for a biological reason.

Life is too short to be small !!
