Originally Posted By: gobbler
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Doesn't the DMP already provide those exact type plans?
Doesn't it allow for site-specific Management if desired??
Why do the complainers not utilize it?

Point is they shouldn't have to be treated separately. The current regs allow them to manage their deer herd as they see fit as it does you! Why should they Have to be involved in a separate program? FORCE others to be involved in a government program!

Originally Posted By: bigt

Let's see leave it like it is because you help manage land that has limited hunters on it due to their wealth and financial means......I think not! As I have stated before if a property truly has the need the State can always issue more tags to that property as they did back in the days of limited doe harvest, but to leave the whole state as is just because the wealthy have access to better land and can keep the hunters on the property today a bare minimum is just plain unacceptable to the small landowners like myself who do not control large tracts of land with virtually unlimited resources.....

I say the State should go to the small, unmanaged properties you hunt and others that want more government restrictions, and make separate regs and limit YOUR harvest to their specs. Leave the guys who have enough land and do spend the money to manage alone! Right now everyone is treated with the same regs. You want regulations on OTHERS to fit your ideas.

I don't blame you for looking out for your own interests and your rich clients because if they were to enroll in the above mentioned program they would have a State biologist help them in their management needs and where would that leave you......looking for a job with the State I guess . So I do understand your position and apparent disdain for us poor guys that can only afford to have a hundred or so acres to call our own....

Life is too short to be small !!
