Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Originally Posted By: cartervj
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
Doesn't the DMP already provide those exact type plans?

Doesn't it allow for site-specific Management if desired??

Why do the complainers not utilize it?

I'm not the one complaining. If I want to shoot a doe whenever I please during the already established limits. My place is less than 80 acres, reckon someone would come out for that to be in DMP?

It's farm land so I could shoot them in the summer with depravation permits. They eat the heck out of the beans my farmer is trying to grow. Which is better, make use of them or leave them laying?

When I see my area with these low doe numbers I hear of but see no evidence of. I might would want to concede, but probably not. I've made 2 deer hunts this year and only 1 duck hunt. Seen 3 Does on the WMA and 9 Does and 2 bucks at the farm.

So, you think that because you have not personally seen decimated herds in areas that you have never been, you do not think that situation exists?

Where did I state this?

You readily admit that you have hunted twice this year, on your own place. But, you think that your opinion on the deer populations on properties that you have never even been NEAR. much less ON, matters more than the people in that area.

Nope, only hunted once this year but go several times a week for a visit. Once again, where am I saying anything about your property or others? I've only mentioned properties that I personally have been on.

The fact that you represent the rabid QDM'er (yeah, I know....you used to run a 'big' lease over 5000 acres) is a problem. You guys really think that you know more than the people who actually own/lease/hunt other properties that you have never seen. SMH

I haven't cared for or been a member of QDMA for probably 9 years or more. I do see where they are misrepresented about killing all the does and being trophy buck oriented. None of which is true. They always advocated shoot as many as you need to. They advocated to make sound decisions and get management help if unsure of what to do.

Years ago I did advocate killing as many does as possible, because I seen how well it helped our club. We didn't reach 1 doe per hundred acres as I've often seen mentioned, closer to 1 doe per every 200 acres.

I agree overall numbers are down from when I started hunting in the mid 80's. Back then it was nothing to see 20-30 does in a group running thru the woods and rarely that elusive 1.5 yr old spike.

I can only relate to my experiences. I hear some guys saying there are no deer in the same areas I personally see deer and deer sign in.

I admitted from day 1 that I joined this site to advocate for buck limits. I was over at the QDMA site and some guys here invited me to join.

You are doing exactly as I did but for a different cause, there is no difference. I wish you godspeed in your endeavor.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan