Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: Tru-Talker
Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: wmd
Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: josht101
Originally Posted By: NightHunter
Strictly from a personal standpoint, I'd be for a season antlerless limit but I don't think it could be enforced very well.

Heck they can't even enforce the buck limits. I believe doe days is about the only answer to restricting doe harvest

That's my belief also....

Because an outlaw will obey one rule but not the other?

No because doe days would be enforceable while doe limits would not....

How so? There ain't enuff wardens to enforce anything we have now......

I agree on the warden shortage but if you are in possession of a doe out of doe season it is obviously illegal , but if there is a doe limit it would not be so obvious.
