If you are referring to me in regards to learning how to shoot.... Please know that I am a veteran of the United States Military who has deployed 3 times to the middle east... I think I know how to shoot. In this case..... I shot at a moving animal that I could not get to stop..... not an excuse.....just my mistake which i freely own up to...I have taken plenty of animals with bow and gun without ever gut shooting any of them. All of them recovered successfully.
Bluewater, I most certainly was not talking about anyone in particular, not you. Just an observation that a LOT of folks make bad shots/hits on deer. It's been my experience over the last 50 years that a lot of folks couldn't hit the proverbial barn wall from INSIDE the barn. Only shooting they ever do is off a bench at 100 yards on paper. Never sitting or offhand shooting practice.
anyone, including myself, can, and has made bad hits on deer. It happens. Glad we have folks like CNC and others that make themselves available to those that need em, or just think they need em.