Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: westflgator
CNC. I agree with most of what you have to say but will have to disagree with you on this. I've gone cold turkey on traditional fertilizers the last three years and I have healthier better looking plots than ever. I use mostly sea minerals, but have also put out raw non pasturized milk, and will be using worm tea this year as well. This method focuses on feeding and growing the microbe population in the soil and letting them feed the plants. And a side benefit is that it cost a lot less as well.

This was taken 1/16. It's had less than 100lbs of traditional fertilizer in total the last 3 years. It is also a throw and mow plot of oats.

I�m all for mimicking natural processes as much as possible and weaning off synthetics. I haven�t tried any of the things you mentioned but wouldn�t be opposed to testing them. Have you sent in any soil samples to see how these products effect your nutrients, pH, etc???

I'm fixing to send in my samples before spring, but I test the BRIX level of my plants, which is a very good indicator of the health of the plant. If you have a high BRIX you are doing something right...mine still has room to get better but it's probably higher than most folks who use traditional fertilizers even though their plots may be really pretty and green, which doesn't always tell the whole story. If your BRIX is high they will walk across your neighbors to eat yours. Checking the BRIX is really testing the soluble sugar content of the plant which is directly related to it's health. It's a really good and simple way to check the quality of your plots.