Originally Posted By: Stikman

Originally Posted By: centralala
Originally Posted By: Stikman
I'd love to see the state go to a tag system!
3 bucks 6 does given with the purchase of each license.
All lifetime license holders would present their license at any place of business that sold license and receive a free book of tags. Any child wishing to hunt could either use their supervising hunters tags or pass a hunters education course and present their CC# in exchange for their personal tags until they are 16 when license are required.
Seems like common sense but unfortunately that doesn't exist in our state government.
All mom&pop stores could be tag stations and every tagged deer reported by the store to the state would get a $1 issuance just like they do when they sell a license.

How do the people not required to have a license get theirs?? The landowner?? The military guy home on leave?? The seniors??

OVER 65 show them your ID you get free tags
Never met a landowner that didn't buy a hunting license but off the top of my head go to the courthouse and register for tags to be sent by mail.
Military, show military ID!
Is it really that hard for some of you to grasp the concepts of a tag system?

Ever had to buy a tag for federal duck stamp. Not worth it for a few ducks. Tags, taxes, license, more on top of all we got now. Take away, but no more taxes, tags, or license on top of what we got now!
Probably insurance and tag on a gun if we don't tell them enough is enough. Turning me away from sport can't imagine what newcomers are thinking! Too much!