So now even if we get tags some of y'all ain't gonna be happy. Jesus Christ what else do yall want? Asking for more fines? I mean how asinine is it for a certain crowd of people who enjoy the same hobby (that's already looked down upon) to ask to be punished more. Please make it harder and less enjoyable to hunt......,I beg you. Please take away all my rights and options to hunt as I see fit, and let my neighbors way take precedent over mine. Maybe if y'all keep on you'll run everybody off and have it all to yourself and then you can kill a damn deer. As for me, I'm fortunate enough that I'll kill deer regardless of how hard y'all try to make it. I've carried around 5 dif harvest sheets for several years now trying my best to keep my family legal. Y'all suck, im out for a while.

Everything woke turns to shucks