Ive hunted in MANY states that have tags..MANY.
Ive lived in many.
And non huntin wifes get tags, daughters get tags.
They take the silly course and get the tags because it is easy.
Then the husband/father gets extra tags and believe me..he fills them.
I still hunt in states with tags..but outlaws will be outlaws no matter what. I have an Illinois lease. WE follow the laws..but a lot of folks sure dont.
Yall are beating a dead horse.
It aint gonna fix a thing. People who break laws..will STILL break the law.
Just like the guns laws dont stop CRIMINALS..they just cause more hassle for legal gun owners. Yall are asking for the same.
Unless youve experienced the "tag system" your just being theoretical. In REALITY..OUTLAWS will find ways to be OUTLAWS. Next thing you know yall will want "check in Stations"...what a freakin hassle that is!
Man..if you havent actually used tags or check ins..then no offense..but you dont know what youre talking about.
Your talking about an "IDEA" with unrealistic expectations. Reality is quite different. If they are breaking the law NOW..you think a silly "TAG" system will stop em???? REALLY?