Originally Posted By: woodsrider
The DCNR all of a sudden wants to micro-manage every aspect of hunting in a state where the land base is over 70% privately owned. You are more likely to get a ticket for forgetting your pen, than an outlaw because he takes too much resources and time to catch. Outlaws will continue to prevail because the time it takes to catch them cuts out on easy "revenue generation". The "just" will pay and be burdened by limited management options and continue to have no increased ability or agency resource to combat the "un-just".

I am thankful that the private landowner in Alabama manages their own land, timber, water, and wildlife; most more rigorously than required by the broad framework of guidelines within state law. If it weren't for them we wouldn't have the rich wildlife resources we have today.

Alabama needs to continue with a broad framework of game laws that provides flexibility to the stewards of the resource. Enforcement needs to concentrate on enforcement of the real trouble makers for their "revenue generation". Don't add more layers of regulation to the ethical hunters of this state who are already declining in numbers. Folks on this forum; we are the good guys who are making strides to take care of our resources. We're not the ones who need to be more regulated. We need the bad apples that have existed for decades in the same places and communities to quit being a drain on our resources. That is the call of the DCNR, and once that call is answered people will be more receptive to more regulation on better than 16 million privately owned acres in Alabama !

You sir are 100% correct! That's a great post.