Originally Posted By: ValleyDawg
Originally Posted By: Fun4all
Originally Posted By: ValleyDawg
Originally Posted By: Hogwild
OK.....try this on......

Y'all are asking the Government to fix a problem that YOU/WE caused! The solution is easy, really. Slow down the doe harvest. Mature bucks are there, and in slightly higher densities, there will be even more. Learn how to kill them. Their scarcity is what makes them trophies!

That is Biology 101 for today. And, it really is that simple.

For those of us who care about the deer heard what is it really going to hurt to have to tie a tag on a deer's ear?

rofl jk.

Glad to know that not wanting or needing additional governmental intrusion and being individually responsible equals not caring about the deer "heard"! Thanks for clearing that up! Now are you consulting with Bernie or Hildabeast for those types of talking points?

Because putting a tag on a dead animal is so intrusive. They will probably have predator drones following you to make sure you tag it and if you don't they are gonna send in the navy seals to take you out. Because that's what they do in every other state that has tags right?

I wonder if you are just as against speed limits, red lights, and other traffic laws?

If you want to bring politics into it, how about ol Teddy Roosevelt? He was a big hunter but also cared about conservation of wildlife and taking steps to ensure it. You can thank him for still haveing some awesome parks and wildlife areas left, instead of skyscrapers. But I bet you think he was just an idiot liberal too huh?

Hmm, let's see. Tagging a dead deer, is safety involved? No.
Driving at speeds higher than other traffic, is safety involved? Yes.
Tagging a dead deer, is safety involved? No.
Driving through an intersection, is safety involved? Yes.
Driving at speeds higher than other traffic, is safety involved? Yes.

I think you see where I am going with your extremely poor choice for an example.

Yes, good old Teddy was a fine conservationist, hunter and BIG government guy.

So you want to be able to make someone who might have accidentally forgotten his or her (don't want to be sexist and leave anybody out) tag and killed a deer that is taking the deer to the processor so the meat does not spoil instead of leaving the deer where it lays and driving 4 hours round trip back home on a very possible 70 or 80 degree day in Alabama a criminal because the GW saw them with a deer in the back of their truck? What is wrong with the DCNR setting minimum rules and regulations for the conservation of the resources (you can research for yourself the reason for the establishment of the DCNR) and the individual imposing on themselves greater restriction if that is what they want? Or, is it that so would rather have the government TELL/FORCE/MANDATE everybody else what how when, where, and why because they are incapable of thinking and doing for themselves?

Feel free to create your own tag and tag every deer that you want if that will make you feel like that will help, see no impact on me and apparently no imposition to you. Issue solved!

Last edited by Fun4all; 02/17/16 08:27 AM.

"After all, it is not the killing that brings satisfaction; it is the contest of skill and cunning. The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport." Dr. Saxton Pope