My neighbor directly behind me,has 2 dogs chained up.One is a decent size husky,the other a small mixed breed.The small dog has the bigger chain??I mean a pull your truck out of the mud chain.These dogs are located closer to my propert/home than his.And yep the odor of poop comes my way when the wind blows just right.The worst part is they get no attention so when I walk into my own back yard they have a fit..I mean barking their heads off.I am gonna replace the chain link fence with a full privacy fence just so I don't have these dogs staring at us while using the pool this summer.I am gonna confront this guy about these issues,but he's a Obama-future Hillary supporter (if you get my drift) and I almost know he'll have the my land I do as I want attitude.I'm posting this to see if anyone else has any suggestions or advice on how to handle this without creating a all out fued.