At one point my next door neighbor owned five dogs. Three were inside dogs but two were outside and barked non-stop. The owner worked out of state but his wife and kids were still in the house.
He and I had several somewhat cordial conversations about the dogs until one morning at about 2 A.M. I had enough. I called and woke him up from a deep sleep and told him Jack and Tater were barking and I was about to call the cops. He promised me in the future the dogs would be put up by 8 P.M and he pretty much kept his word.
Try to be civil at first. Document your efforts and then call the police if you don't get results. I also bought one of those dog zappers that emits a high pitch frequency. I highly recommend it. They would head for the doggy door when I turned that thing on.
One of our neighbors down the street has 5 little dogs that she used to let loose when she came home and they would go crap in everyone else's yard until a neighbor complained. They are inside dogs, but she doesn't have a fence for them to take care of business. One day two of her dogs got away from her and they came yapping down the street to my backyard to aggravate my dogs. When I heard them yapping my way I grabbed my bluetooth speaker and stepped outside and played a yelping hurt puppy sound. I've never seen a 350 pound woman run so fast.