And Cruz is a lawyer like every other lifelong politician and his wife worked on wall street. Have you looked into his promises? He won't even have the power to accomplish them as president. Empty promises. Congress levies taxes, congress funds planned parenthood, congress funds obamacare not the president.

Originally Posted By: Ben2
Originally Posted By: Southwood7
Originally Posted By: charlie
So which is it? Now trump is too far right. Yesterday he was just a democrat same as hillary. Rubio is great and a libertarian just no one can see it. Yesterday he was too establishment to vote for. We all know he is anti 2nd ammendment proven through his voting record. Only thing you guys agree on are your huge IQs and your insults for low information low IQ laborers and rednecks that want to see someone who is not a lifelong politician in office for once in the last 60 or more years.

Low informarion, low IQ laborers and rednecks don't want a "politician" so they vote for a bigotted, facist, womanizing, adulterous, bankrupt wielding, silver spoon eating, reality TV star BILLIONAIRE!!!

Whose kind helped create the crooked politicians you guys want to get away from. Politicians became power/money hungry when guys like trump paid them big bucks to do things for them just like trump has said before.