Bill, I don't take stuff on here too seriously and have done some pot stirring myself the last few weeks. I know you and most of the others have stayed away from the insults and I know the ones who have not. I don't take it personal. I like cruz and I like carson and I would vote for either in the general election. The lack of action by the Republican congress the last 2 years has soured me on any sitting office holder at the present time. A lot of the moral issues you guys talk about (abortion, gay issues, ) need to be changed through our churches and communities and families rather than be politically legislated. Until people change abortion will exist and be legal. No politician is going to change that. There are a few here that do believe they are morally and intellectually superior and I am sure most see it. I hope they use a less abrasive manner in their bible study classes.
The social issues are very important but I'm extremely concerned with the fiscal issues, too. I believe both have more to do with one another than it may appear on the surface.