Ok, that looks similar to what I use. It might be the same exact kind, I can't tell from the picture. The "weird sticky feeling" is wax. After you get the bees in the hive, if they don't draw comb correctly on it, melt more beeswax and paint it on there with a foam paint brush. I really like plastic foundation but it doesn't work well at all unless the wax coating is pretty thick.

If the hive has some decent sized comb built, and I imagine that they do, try to save the comb with brood in it and also what has nectar and honey in it. Take the foundation out of some of your frames, and put the comb from the hive in it and use rubber bands to hold it in place. The bees will reattach the comb to the frame. Put any frames with brood in the center of the box and the frames with nectar on the outside edges of the box.

You'll need another box to put on top of the box you put the bees in, soon.

And yes, take some pictures and videos!

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14