Originally Posted By: blumsden
BTW, the biggest scam they have going is the tuneup. They'll come out twice a year and tuneup your system. Keep your filter changed monthly and wash your outside coil out 1-2 times a year and thats all anyone can do, and i ain't paying somebody for that.

I'm with you, I have gauges, etc..to work on my own. I buy parts needed wholesale with distributors. But, not everyone has knowledge and has to rely on others. If they are not educated or know enough to clean coils they should pay the price to have equipment maintained.

I am in specialized service/controls industrial company and I target 30% margin. Sometimes You pay more because I know what parts are needed and have engineered the application. It's not always as simple as pulling a part off and reading the part number. A lot of OEM mask the true manufacturer of parts in attempt to go back thru them at 300% margin.

WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."