Originally Posted By: Remington270
Probably so, 2dogs. If you have a captive population of deer, I'm not even sure why the state should set a season for you? It's no longer a shared resource.

I agree, let Dr. Moneybags shoot him a 300 incher in velvet in August, I don't care. Should be under the Ag department , because those animals have been reduced to livestock. But Ag doesn't want them.

That whole deal stinks! I reckon Chuck Sykes would sell his soul to get Game Check. Ol' Chuck will lie to yer face, lied to me. Not long after he took his job was also when LA was trying to get a February season. He told me face to face , "there will not be a February season in Jackson Co. "

Last edited by 2Dogs; 05/20/16 06:24 AM.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.