i dont know what all of thier dogs were doing i dont guess not that that matters, i did not get any pics of loose dogs with 33 cameras on 155 acres, i did get a bunch of pics of them in the cages ond on leads on top of the cage, and i dont have a damn thing to explain to anyone, i didnt do anything wrong , and if people keep acting like im the bad guy i may not wait until monday. i explained inmy post why i dont contact them, i dont know the guys , i know the taxidermist they use, and frankly its not my problem to go through all of that trouble to track them down, if it comes to that i will let the game warden handle it, i really cant believe how many people seem to think im the bad guy here, really. i mean i guess your cool with other people running around in side by sides on your land?? even if its just a lease and you dont own it , i bet you would feel diffrent if people were running dogs on it without permission, i dont really care if you guys like me or not, i have explained my position and if you just want to roll the dice thats fine, maybe im full of it and dont have any way to find you. i dont really care i dont have a damn thing to apologise to anyone for , and dont appreaciate people acting like im a douchebag for being pissed about poaching, just because its for hogs doesnt make it ok, poaching is poaching, at least as far as law enforcement is concerned,