Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: poorcountrypreacher

That's a link to the forum where the TWRA answers questions on tndeer. Looks like they get 4 or 5 questions a week, so it's not something that takes them a lot of time. Skinny has said that he offered to do something similar for our dcnr, but they have no interest in interacting with the public. Skinny sure doesn't need me defending him, but I can understand his frustration with them. Obviously, the TWRA wants to support their state's a largest hunting forum, and obviously, the AL dcnr does not. They will travel around and tell hunters about the new rules they have made up for us, but don't seem interested in any interaction with us before they make them. Of course, I'm talking about the policy maker at the top and not the dcnr employees that post here.

FWIW, I've been posting on aldeer for over 13 years and I haven't seen any great change in it. It's always been the best place on the net for girly men to come and get their little feelings hurt. smile. Better have a thick skin if you wanta hang out here. What has changed is the dcnr. In my lifetime, I've seen it go from an agency that saw its mission as serving the people to one that wants to rule the people.

I understand his position on the Big dogs at the top not wanting to have an official participation on the site, but that has got nothing to do with employees posting on thier off time about "hunting" issues trying to help their fellow hunters. Hell I bet they wish their bosses would go for the official participation so they could get paid to help us hard headed jokers instead of doing it for free........ At least one of them were members here before they got their jobs with the State.

Bigt, that's a good point and I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I was just trying to put myself in Skinny's shoes and try to get everyone else to do the same. The attitude of the dcnr toward this site has ranged from ambivalent to hostile, yet it kinda appears they still use its services. This thread started by telling us not to gripe or complain on it; that it was for instructional purposes. I'm sure Nighthunter was only trying to help us, but it sure did sound like it was some sort of official posting. Considering that the dcnr has rejected every attempt to get them to use the site, I can see where Skinny would be bothered by it.i would hope everyone can see that.

I've always appreciated the dcnr employees that would post here. Back in 2003, there were a lot more that did but they didn't let people know who they were. I've been told that the dcnr ordered some of them to quit posting even though they were anonymous. I don't understand the dcnr attitude towards this place.

This is the state's largest hunting site, and I think the dcnr ought to embrace it instead of what they are doing.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.