Ok, awesome, thanks for the reply. Sounds like I'll be in the 2nd category, because my fields are only around 2 acres. With that being said, after I plant this fall, do I cut it at all throughout the year or just wait til next fall to throw n mow?
You can mow in the spring to knock back the cereal grains if you think that they�re completely shading out the clover. If not just let it go and the deer with hammer the seed heads when they mature. I�d hit it in late spring April/May with 50 lbs/ac of 34-0-0 and 50 lbs/ac of 0-0-60��..then another 50 lbs/ac of 34-0-0 in July if its feasible to do so. I�d do a soil test in Sept and adjust nutrients from there.