Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer

Originally Posted By: ikillbux
Kilt a doe!

Is that entry in the neck and exit in the hind quarter?

Shot her straight on at about 15 yards, thought I was aiming at the brisket area, but it hit higher in the neck. Still got a total pass thru of the chest...she ran about 25 yards, face into a tree, laid there about 10 seconds and then kicked out. That's the exit hole back there in front of her hip...she was coming up a rise at me, I feared she would spook if she got any closer. Sucker came from dead behind me.

Last edited by ikillbux; 10/15/16 06:46 AM.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.