Originally Posted By: perchjerker
Al, forgive me but hes an idot. Kids are not doing anything but having fun. Not worshipping satan. Why do a few see evil in everything ? This is the kind on thing that makes folks turn their backs on organized Religion. I was brought up Baptist but it seems the Baptists have more than their share of quacks. Its a Baptist church that puts on the protests at MILITARY FUNERALS ! I just don't believe Jesus would object to children having some innocent fun.

I have nothing to forgive you for that I know of. I still believe the first amendment is still in place. You can call it like you see it perch. I have my own convictions, but I ain't going to try and force them on anyone else. I'm just glad that the church I attend was willing to do something different. Both educational and fun. And as far as kids having innocent fun, I have no problem with that as long as it remains innocent (there are those out there, usually older than kids, but still act like kids, that do take some things too far).

"Said I never had much use for one; never said I didn't know how to use it".
-Matthew Quigley in "Quigley Down Under"