The only buck I have ever hunted for his rack was killed this way.

I got messed up one day and was walking out and wondered what was in the 1.5 acre thicket from hell in the middle of the big thicket and walked all around in the middle of it just to see. I found rub after rub after rub, bed after bed after bed, nipped off honeysuckle and other browse and I jumped a sure enough buck out of his bed. Almost stepped on him. Could have shot at him as he sailed away but I don't do that sort of thing.

The only way to hunt him was to hang a stand 54' up in a massive old maple tree so I could see down into the thicket. I actually had to go buy some more screw in steps as I didn't have enough even after gathering up the two sets I had in other trees to safely reach that high.

I shot him three days later.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank