Originally Posted By: trox28
Originally Posted By: Deerslyer86

Originally Posted By: trox28
Originally Posted By: Deerslyer86
My XBOX has been recovered

So you do admit it was yours not the kids laugh Glad ya got it back.I hear withdrawals from an XBOX can be pretty rough.

Well since I paid for it I do consider it mostly mine. lol. I'm just more furious that that boy that stole it I've known for 15 years. He has stayed at my house many times. We have fed him countless times. Wasn't just 2 weeks ago he came over while I was gone and my wife was here asking her on some advice about life since he's 19 and now has a baby on the way and about to get married. My only advice to him now is don't drop the soap. Smh

Damn shame but you just can't trust or help folks out anymore.Had a really close friend I grew up with steal a pair of Costas from me.He had went through a tough time in his life but always knew he could come to me to talk.I never turned my back on him.Sob came down one night with his girlfriend and her kids to hang out a while.He ended up snatching them off my mantle where I had em sitting.That's been about 5 years ago and I haven't spoken to him since.If he was on fire I wouldn't piss on him now.No second chances for anybody that steals from me.

Well I knew it was him just couldn't prove it. I called him up Friday and told him if he brought it all back within 24 hours everything would be great and charges would be pressed. He just kept saying I can't believe you think I would do that. I said if you'll steal a gun from you momma and have it pawned then you'll steal from me

Strike'em Black & Tan Kennels
