Originally Posted By: Irishguy
Originally Posted By: abolt300
Hurt's 40% completion rate is what killed Bama. Accuracy is his problem. He's got the arm strength and legs to run but at this level, you've got to be able to look defenders off and make the throws into coverage and small windows. Jalen had the best supporting cast in college football in my opinion, offense and defense, which is why he was as successful this year as he was. Yes he's young but throwing accuracy is not something that can be taught. At this level, they are throwing hundreds of balls a day and have been since 9th grade, either you have the accuracy or not and he doesn't. Not beating on the kid, he's a great athlete, I'm a Bama fan, just calling it honestly.

I think this is why he may very well not be the starting QB by the end of next season. Tua is probably saying in his mind, "I got this."
Not sure about both of these. I think hurts had 8 roll outs that were thrown away? Those were terrible calls...he's a dual threat, yet you took away one. If they had had him attacking the D with the rolls, it'd been different. They way he rolled, he made it easy to defend...and yet they kept calling it. UA took a dual threat qb and made a pocket passer out of him...

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.