Keep on dreaming Pilsbury. He'll never put up numbers like those guys. They both throw the ball accurately and were way more accurate even as 18 yr old freshman. It is what it is. He's an athlete, which sometimes does not translate to a great QB. I'd love to see it but it aint gonna happen. He might get marginally better but that will be it. I might would give him the benefit of the doubt if he was improving rapidly all season but he actually threw the ball better at the beginning of the season than he did at the end. Not a good sign. Like I said in another thread, I like Bama, I'm just a realist. Kinda like AU saying that JF3 was going to learn how to throw the ball. Neither is going to happen. Alabama will win because of the guys around him, not because of him. Also, as to where our defense was, they were sucking oxygen from being on the field so often in the second half without a single sustained break. They just got worn down at the end. Look at the first half when we were moving the ball, scoring and the offense was running the ball, controlling the clock and giving them breaks. Defense sure looked good then.

Last edited by abolt300; 01/10/17 12:52 PM.