Finding triggers is a trial and error process. Typically fatty and red meats, rich foods, certain veggies high in purine, yeasty foods including beer.
Colcrys for the flareups
Allopurinol for maintenance
Home remedies: water, cherry juice, apple cider vinegar, fasting from bad food list.
I had it bad, allopurinol has been a miracle drug for me. No flares in 4 years
I would echo this. I was never prescribed Allopurinol, but was given a 30 day RX of Colchicine for flares (which at $150 I made last for year, LOL). I did a steady routine of cherry juice and cherry pills from GNC for a while, but finally decided a life change was key. I cleaned my diet up big-time, and have had absolutely zero flare, not even a hint, since then (probably 1.5 years). I was never overweight either (which the doc said is the stereotype), but I did trim about 20#. I was 6-0 and 200#, down to 178-180 now. As crazy as it sounds, I think Almond Milk might have been my trigger. I was strictly almond milk for about a year (thought it was the healthy alternative), and my wife suggested it might be the problem (to which I scoffed), but I stopped it too around 1.5 years ago, so it may just be coincidence.
I would HIGHLY recommend getting a multi-vitamin with "greens". Anything "green" will alkalize the blood, and THAT is what you want. I take GNC Men's Sport w/ greens. I even do a daily whey protein shake with a greens supplement included.