Originally Posted By: hoggin
Like I said they never bit anything that I didn't tell them to, in all those years the curs that I've owned were much more difficult to control and if you don't think a Cur dog can do as much damage as a pit your a fool.

It amazes me how some of y'all whine and cry about the snowflakes but your just as bad, y'all wanna kill people's pets cause they messed up your deer hunt or ban dog hunting cause they may invade you're safe space or ban a breed of dog because someone wasn't responsible enough to own it or bash someone's head in because they are responsible enough to own one. Your just as bad as any damn liberal whining ass

Like I said if you have that urge start with me and I'll help you get some of that confusion. worked out.

What kind of Cur, I'm betting not an OMC?

WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."