LUCK:::; When presistence, dedication, perspiration and preparation meet up with opportunity!!! - - - - - - - -A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jeferson - - - - - - - -
I wanted to say 110 but they always look bigger on trail cameras than they do on the ground to me. That's why age is important to me. It's easier for me to age them on the hoof than it is to score them.
110" Min for first buck, 125" for 2nd and 3rd. You see why I posted this now? Wouldn't make a bad first buck eh? I need a feel good before I hunt him down, don't wanna pay the $500 fine
Here's another showing his mass better ...
I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...
Can you imagine what he's gonna look like next year?
He may look exactly the same with a little more mass. You never know with a deer that being the reason to shoot age over score. There's lots of bucks that will never reach 110".
Would walk over a naked woman to get to a gobblin turkey!
Can you imagine what he's gonna look like next year?
He may look exactly the same with a little more mass. You never know with a deer that being the reason to shoot age over score. There's lots of bucks that will never reach 110".
True but ... Judging by the deer that have come off the club this year so far, he has a lotta growth coming his way
I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...
Here's my thinking at this point ... Sure I want to kill my first racked buck but I am a very patient man. Also I'd like to have a mount in my man cave that any experienced hunter would appreciate and I don't mind waiting another year or more to get such a deer.
I've got a line on another buck in another area and we have a a couple of weeks left in the season so I'm contemplating where to spend my time. With so little time left I'm going to need to commit to one or the other.
Based on yall's responses I'm starting to feel good about this one busting 110" but oh my gawsh ... If I waited till next year to hunt him and actually bagged him ...
I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...