I have lived in the best part of America history. I was born way back in the wood of Alabama to B.P. and Naomi Williams March20, 1938. That was before radio in those parts, along with electric lights. Heat was wood stove, or a foot of blankets when you went to bed and you could not turn over. No indoor bathroom only outhouse, maybe one or two holier, with Sears catalogue for paper. We drew water from a well or went to the spring. Gathered eggs for breakfast along with streak a lean bacon cat head, along with gravy. Coffee was something great, ice was under the house with sawdust on it to keep it from thawing out. There was a storm pit out back in case of bad weather and also Mama put her canned good there for safe keeping.
I am tired now so I will say good night and God Bless.

I am drinking from my saucer cause my cup has overflowed. Thank you Lord