Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: leroycnbucks
Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: leroycnbucks
You can also call the county game warden if the sheriff is too busy to investigate it. Tell the warden it's suspicious looking you don't know if it's game related or a crime scene. Also the ABI or Troopers post in your county.

Here you go. This is what is needed, some Game Check Road Blocks to find Mexicans in muddy boots.

You're handling it the right way. Please keep us posted, I'm really curious about this.

How in the hell would that lead to a game check road block ? He said the local sheriffs office wasn't that concerned about it so there are other avenues of law enforcement to call it what I was suggesting. I would have thought you knew that being a security guard.

Swhooosh! Right over your head. If you were serious, why would the GWs be interested in the first place? What was the evidence of a Game Violation? I was being sarcastic about the roadblocks, didn't mean to get your dander up.

No problem! I apologize! I took it as you thought it was stupid too suggest what I did.
BTW I was kidding about the security guard part.

A couple of years ago we had a family of illegals that set up camp on our property. We called the sheriff but they were tied up on other calls and couldn't come out to the next day. So I called a warden that I know and he came right out and handled it. We would have never known the illegals were there without the game cams.

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!