Originally Posted By: Remington270

The reason she can't wrestle as a girl is because testosterone is a "PED" performance enhancing drug, it is in fact steroids or "roids". Not fair for her to compete as a boy or girl.

Not fair and being legal steroid shots are two different things. When did yall start worrying everything being fair? If it had been a guy, taking female hormones, and wrestling on the girls wrestling team everyone would be saying he needs to wrestle on the guys team because that is what he's equipped with.

This has absolutely nothing to do with why a girl taking male hormones shouldn't wrestle on the girls team so no need in trying to turn it into that. This was posted for the pure fact that a girl was trying to have a sex change.

Before anyone gets any kind of mixed ideas.....I believe anyone who thinks they should be the opposite sex than what they were born as is sick in the head. So lets not try to go down that road. That wasn't necessarily meant toward you Remington....it is being addressed toward the goon who commmented below you.

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!