Originally Posted By: bamacamp
Kinda off topic but Ive got a friend in the deer breeding industry. He relates to me that nutrition is maybe 10-15% of the equation as far as growing big bucks. This guy routinely has 1.5 year old deer with gross scores of greater than 200 inches.

With deer that large I assumed they were pouring the protein/hormones/whatever to them to make these monster racks and he says that's not the case and its all about good genetics, getting the right doe and the right buck together. His most important deer are the proven does which have year in and out produced big offspring.

Kinda hurt my feelings living here in Alabama cause you can have a place and pour tons of money on feed and fields and nutrition and if you don't have the right genes you're never going to consistently grow really big deer.

Im not doubting your friend or anything but i think nutrition and age has a lot more to do with antler size here is a 15 minute video that agrees with me

Nutrition vs genetics