Originally Posted By: jonlee126
Originally Posted By: sluggun
Just checking in. International paper decided to have our annual outage the first two weeks of season so I probably won't get to hunt much until April. Maybe there'll be a couple of stupid ones left by then. I'm usually good for one turkey a season because I bowhunt. Hopefully I can get three this season.

Maybe you should consider picking up a shotgun since you joined a 3 turkey contest. Not trying start out on the wrong foot with a teammate here but I know everyone else is thinking the same thing.

OK let's all hold hands and sing together now! Lol!

Sluggun it would be nice if each member of the team put 3 birds on the scorecard this year. But if you're dead set on bow hunting by all means do it your way and good luck!

I say we go with PBT Killers since Casey was the first to come up with something.

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. Emerson