This was discussed in an earlier thread on aging turkeys. The best way I've found to determine if a gobbler is 2 yrs old, or 3 or older is by looking at the end of the beard. A 2 yr will have a lot of amber tips in the beard, while an older gobbler will be black in the ends. Here are a couple of pics:

The first one weighed 19-12 and had 15/16 spurs. He certainly could have been 2 by those stats, but the black ends say he is at least 3.

The second one weighed 21-6 and had 5/8 spurs. His spurs left little doubt he was just 2, but the amber is very obvious. This is a good example of how weight tells you nothing about his age.

I hope this is of help to some as you age your gobbler. My hat is off to those who can spot those PBTs before shooting them. I gotta kill him to figure out his age. smile

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.