Originally Posted By: Yelp softly
Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: top cat
Calling them up is fun too but off the limb is a harder to accomplish.

You serious Clark?

My thoughts too. The only thing harder about it is waking up a little earlier.

No. It's knowing the exact tree he is in, walking in with no light, sitting motion less for 90 minutes, then killing the bird. If I shoot a big buck or bull elk I didn't call in is it less of a kill. I think not. Kinda like saying killing a turkey at over 30 yards or a buck at 400 is in some how unfair. To each his own. I have killed dozens I called in and watched my share of ones I called in die from another hunters gun. I sleep well at night.

LUCK:::; When presistence, dedication, perspiration and preparation meet up with opportunity!!!
- - - - - - - -A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have. Thomas Jeferson - - - - - - - -