These storm front are taken their toll on the field. That�s exactly what I want though. The deer will begin pounding on it in another week or so and the field will change over from hay to a field of summer growth with no bushhogging required. That's the plan anyways.

At some point during the transition I�m gonna add some P&K. I need to go ahead and send in a soil sample.
Now that the rye is browning you can begin to see some of the volunteer yuchi growing in the mid story. The drought screwed up my plans last fall. I had brought in lime last summer and had plans of reseeding a three way mix of crimson, yuchi, and durana but called it off when we didn�t get to plant until Thanksgiving. I should have went ahead with it probably. It�s actually better than I would have expected being volunteers but not near what I'm shooting for. I�m gonna reseed �em this year come hell or highwater. They�re growing much better now that the soil has gotten right and I added the lime.

Crimson, yuchi, and durana each fill their own little niche in time during the spring and early summer. The crimson first, then the yuchi, and later on the durana. This is yuchi's a really tall clover that grows on something almost like a stalk.