Yuchi will tell you if you’re having any soil issues. Reds, yellows and purples are signs of stress. That can be from a few different variables such as drought, nutrient imbalances, lack of soil oxygen, etc. Deer do not like plants like this. When I first planted the yuchi a couple years ago there was a lot of this across the field. After that last lime application though I’m seeing very little of it….only just a few stray stalks. I should have added my P&K back about mid-March or so but I didn’t.

I do believe this is some of my teaweed coming back in. I like this stuff. The deer hammer it later in the summer. You can also see some ragweed starting to sprout around it. It’ll get browsed too but not quite as much as the teaweed. They’ll be a lot of diversity in this field. Likely 20+ different plant species.

Last edited by CNC; 05/23/17 02:55 PM.

We dont rent pigs