[quote=FurFlyin]I'm so sick of having the homosexual agenda shoved on us. You can't turn on the TV without seeing some homo couple holding hands, etc... Apparently I can't even watch an action movie without having their agenda pushed on me. I started watching the newest Star Trek movie this afternoon and a few minutes into the movie, The Enterprise docked at some space station and unloaded the crew. Sulu walked out and hugged a child, then he, the child and his man person walked off arm in arm.

This is just an attempt to make this perversion acceptable. Please talk to your own children about this and confront it. Don't allow them to be swayed by liberal Hollywood. If you are a Christian, please make sure your children know what Gods word says about homosexuality. It's a perversion, not a lifestyle choice, a "born that way" condition, and it's not normal.

If this is "the new normal" I can't imagine what will be accepted as normal 30 years from now.
It's sick .I totally agree