Originally Posted By: Southwood7
Originally Posted By: Out back
Grow balls.
Wear boots.
Problem solved

Man, you are so tough outback! You wear boots at the lake, the swimming pool, on a boat? I wear steel toe boots 40-50 hours a week and I'm happy to put some flip flops on when I'm off.

And my balls are fine grin

I have too every few months get a steroid shot in my left foot due to some arthritis and the pain that comes with it. The first appointment I had with the podiatrist was mid summer and I was wearing flops. He told me that the worst shoes you can wear are flip flops or any shoes you can bend easily and he recommended not to wear them. I told him I 'm in boots all day and have worn them my entire life but after work in the summer time I'm in flops. He then said that they are bad for your feet and will cause more problems later on in life. I then told him they already do because when I'm not wearing tube socks I don't have any thing to tuck my balls in. grin

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
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