Originally Posted By: R_H_Clark
If you are the hunter that starts looking in the local hardware stores for ammo a week before season,you don't need the 35 Rem. Just buy a 30/30. Either of the 3 will all kill deer at the distance I would shoot a lever gun anyway. Don't get the 45/70 though unless you enjoy shooting 12 ga slugs out of a single barrel.

4 choices available right now at Midway in the 35 Rem. If I wanted one,I would buy 200 rounds and load my own. You can buy one of those little Lee Classic loaders for about $30 that would work in a pinch.

I do roll my own for my rifles, when he had issues finding ammo that year not one if the gun stores in cullman had any flavor of 35 rem. Vans sporting goods couldnt order any because of a backorder i want to say it was around the same time frame 223,22lr,5.56, was hard to find to that year in stock or not backordered. I've tried to get him to reload for that rifle told him all he'd have to buy is the dies,powder, bullets and we'd load them up at my place. He now buys 3 boxes every fall when the local gun stores get it in. Ordering rifle rounds online isnt really feasible unless you was buying 308,223,5.56, etc military surplus stuff. Most hunting rounds are with in a dollar or two from the local stores then you have to add shipping and handling and it ends up costing you more money