Use a heavy enough weight to hold it down. Pyramid are commonly used but a big enough egg sinker will do fine.

Get a medium brown or blue crab alive or freshly dead. Snip the two outside points off the shell. Rip the shell back off of the crab. Use a large enough hook to go through it from bottom to top. Throw into the sea. Watch for bites. Often times a huge red bite will look like a few tiny bream taps. Lift the rod tip and if you feel weight, set the hook. If you did not properly set your drag, this is when you will find out and you will wish you had.

Falling tide works best just outside of an inlet mouth but they don't seem to be affected by the tides so much when fishing from a featureless beach.

This method will only catch large redfish and it will outfish cut bait two to one.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank