The problem I am developing with the show is story line the Night's King and all this army of the dead didn't really pick up as much prominence until about Season 5. I know that this is what the whole story was supposed to be about in the first place but from what I understand they are ahead of the books. The next season is the last season. 6 episodes.

Do you realize how many story lines they have to wrap up in 6 episodes? Many since the beginning of the show. Seems like they would need at least 2 more seasons minimum to tie it all together and make it good with the pace they have been going all these years. If they all go to the wall and die I'll be disappointed.

6 more episodes... no way they can do that. I'm ready for disappointment with the ending. I think they tried to leave a lot of the magic and stuff out of it early on and now that's all we've got in the ending? Kinda hard to explain what I am getting at. All plots are going to have to come together with the White Walkers and end. Rather than and all those individual story lines having their own endings outside of it. The later would do the show much more justice IMO after all we've gone through watching it.

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