Originally Posted By: countryjwh
i don't know how they allegedly figure out the paths these things are suppose to take. ive looked at weather sites for days and have yet to figure out what is going to cause it to go north... I could maybe see north thn to the east but that aint what they saying either.. someone care to explain.

They don't have any power to provide motion for themselves. The power is all concentrated in a tight circle. Think of them as a leaf in a stream, or a floating ant bed. Tons of power but no way to even paddle to shore. Other weather parameters cause them to move. They can't move on their own at all.

There is a system in place above her now that will not let her come that way. When she reaches the lower left end of that system (pressure gradient in this case), she will find a place between two systems that she will be squirted into. That place is the bottom left corner of the one moving to the right. When she rounds that bottom right corner and starts to make the turn, the system is still moving to the right. This means, instead of a nice long smooth sweeper type curve, it will be herky jerky and based upon when that system moves on.

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. Anne Frank