Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: Turkeymaster

this is what I did with my fields, i didn't spray or mow all summer. my clover kept shade and has been growing the entire summer. the rest of the summer grasses give or take a few were like yours pictured below, dead and brown. I sowed the seed and bush hogged. going back on friday to spread fertilizer

Yep, I really think what you�ve got going is about as ideal as you could want for what we�re doing. Very efficient and effective.

I thought about spraying but when I went and looked at my fields all summer I figured what was in the fields would work just as well. I do want to control some of the weeds because they did get too thick in some areas and choke the clover down. I also thought the grown up fields would help my fawn and poult survival, possibly even the quail that I see from time to time.

"All is fair in love, War and Turkey Hunting"