How old is your son? You're gonna haft to dedicate yourself to learning the game. Take him to the field and hit him fungo/throw bp most everyday if he wants to get good.(fundamentals,reps,muscle memory) He won't get any better playing a better "brand" of baseball, unless he can keep up with the speed of the game.(lots of quality practice) Travel ball is great for showcasing talent, once he's gotten to that point. I played year round GW Long, Wiregrass cardinals, then team under armor in the winter. In my 4 years at Troy I bet there weren't 50 pitchers we faced that sat 90+ consistently, and 8 of those pitchers were at Vandy. Velocity is so overrated.. Don't let him get stuck with a subpar travel team just because you like the parents. I loved every minute of it, but baseball isn't something you're gonna get your money back with.(very few exceptions) IMO