Chickens are very hardy and can withstand very cold temps. With that said, if I know temps are going to be below freezing for several days, I do use heat lamps in my coop in addition to a radiant heater if I feel necessary. Now mind you, I BABY my birds compared to many. With below freezing temps, your BIG concern is frozen water! Make sure they have fresh water.

As long as you have a coop they can get inside out of the wind and rain if things get real nasty and freeze they usually fare well. Their body heat as the snuggle together keeps them warm.

Speaking of...I just walked in the door after running a coon off from the door of my coop. I saw him earlier and kept a watch because my chickens were free ranging. Spied the little bastid just as he was about to invade the coop and ran out the back door screaming like William Wallace!!

My husband and the two German Shepherds came to the rescue toot sweet after hearing me screaming at the top of my lungs and hubby shot the coon, since I had not grabbed a gun on the way out. I was just before knocking it in the head with the shovel when they arrived. Alas, one of my Brown Leghorns is now missing but they roost outside the coop occasionally, so maybe she will show up tomorrow. If not, she is past her prime and not laying regularly now, so as it goes, no big loss.

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.