Originally Posted By: AlaMiss
Originally Posted By: ford150man
Yep. Paying for friends.

Typical response from someone that was never in one and I can only guess never had any fun in college. Yep I just made a generalization like you did.
OK, I'll have to bite on this one. I was in a frat, my ex was not in a sorority and was very anti-sorority. She said this ALL the time, "paying for friends, that's all it is" Said it to get at me. It pissed me off then, and it pisses me off now. You pay to join the Masons, Mardi Gras societies in Mobile, Chamber of Commerce, hunting clubs, shooting ranges, card playing clubs, Rotary, Lions, etc. Are all those "paying for friends" too??? Just because you pay a dues, and in some cases for a place to stay and food to eat at a frat house, which is a benefit, you know, like genuine friendship, contacts, fun, networking, people who have your back, how the hell does that make the friendships any less genuine?? It's like just because you pay dues, it's somehow tainted???? GIVE ME A BREAK. That's about the dumbest thing anyone could say, and that includes the b*@$Ch that I was married to.

"For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America" ~Benjamin Franklin

Isaiah 40:13-14


NRA Life Member, GOA, BamaCarry Member